I always seem to be giving myself stories to draw matchng foes of rather different sizes, so I'm always wrestling with that problem…. Probably the trickiest part of drawing this issue of Thor was managing the problem of scale. Ī double page spread so it's a little small here, but still looks pretty cool.

Astonishingly, Bill is worthy! He is about to strike again, when the skies open up, and an image of Odin appears.

Outside, Bill throws the hammer and destroys one of the SHIELD vehicles, and catches Mjolnir when it returns to him. he strikes a wall in frustration and is transformed into an alien version of Thor. Bill looks for Thor's hammer to use as a weapon, but finds only a stick. Nick Fury arrives at the ship's crash site just seconds after impact. Bill forms a stasis egg around himself to survive the crash, and the unconscious form of Blake is inside as well. But before Thor can do anything else, he changes back to Blake, and Bill is upon him fast. Skuttlebutt sets for Earth to set down for repairs, while Bill attacks anew. Thor knows he must stop them and begins trying to tear the ship apart. As they battle back and forth, Thor has dropped Mjolnir. Bill believes Thor is some sort of demon that has been harassing his people, and plans on killing him. Back aboard the ship, the gigantic alien tosses Thor aside and introduces himself as Beta Ray Bill. Loki invites her back to his castle and she agrees. The Troll is hiding when it sees a beautiful woman offering to help hide it, when she gets close, she grabs it and hoists it up. Outside, he sees warriors engaged in a forbidden Troll hunt. In Asgard, Loki is bored, when he hears a noise. Inside, he finds a large figure encased in crystal, that suddenly breaks free. Thor destroys the gun battery and rips his way through the hull. In space, Thor has met up with the ship, and as he closes in on it, it's automated weapons open fire. She goes to Heimdall and asks him to find her a battle to ease her emptiness, but he cannot help her either. Sif was wanting company since Thor has forsaken her for Earth, but she will not find it here. Balder is morose after his sojourn in Hela's realm, and has visibly gained weight. In Asgard, Sif arrives to find Volstagg with Balder feasting. Thor agrees to help and begins his journey. The ship is now headed towards Earth at several times the speed of light. As the ship passes by a star, it flared to life and was sucked in by the ship, refueling it. Using an advanced warp driven probe, they have discovered an alien ship. They arrive at the SHIELD Helicarrier where Jasper Sitwell gives a briefing about the trouble they have. Inside is Nick Fury, who tells Blake he needs his help, or more to the point, Thor's help. Blake gives it back to John, when he is grabbed by two men, who hustle him to a car and shove him in. In Grant Park in Chicago, Don Blake is out for a stroll, thinking about how sometimes he wishes he could set aside his godly heritage and be just a man, when he is struck in the back with a frisbee.

Amazingly though, gigantic tongs grab the leftover starstuff, and an equally gigantic figure begins to mold it. In space, we see the core of an ancient galaxy explode. Korbin (First appearance) (Destruction).Burning Galaxy (First appearance) (Destruction).Rise up, demon! You have pursued me only to find death! And when I am through with you, you will welcome it! I am called Bill - Beta Ray Bill! - Beta Ray Bill Appearing in "Doom!"